In these times of accelerated growth and powerful awakenings we need all the insight and understanding we can get to navigate our way through.

In 2020 when the world erupted into confusion, uncertainty and fear I was guided to start what we have termed the Sunday Sessions.

Initially this was a space where I was guided to share a channeled meditation and an energy update which included the insights, understanding and clarity I was getting around what was happening to us as individuals and a collective.

I had planned to only hold these Sunday Sessions for the six weeks of lockdown….well as you know lockdown turned into more than just six weeks and so I continued these weekly sessions.

In this time this space became a beautiful container for sharing, learning, and support. With people from across the world joining each week we gained powerful insights into our commonality. We found a sense of connection and community that many of us had never experienced before.

As these sessions deepened and became more and more personal with people sharing their experiences I realised that this could no longer remain an open and free space on the internet. It had evolved beyond what I initially thought I was doing and was becoming an incredibly sacred space which needed to be protected.

I was guided to create the Spirit Pathways Community portal where those that felt the need could sign up for a small fee and join the Sunday Sessions. In this portal I have created a meditation library, an online network space where we can all connect and chat outside of the weekly sessions and added another online session on a Wednesday for those who felt they needed added support and deeper engagement.

Now I am being guided to invite those who would like to join our Sunday Session without having to sign up to the community portal.

When you register for the Sunday Session you will receive the Zoom links to join the webinar. If you are unable to make it live a link to the replay will be sent to you.

If you feel called to join us simply click on the link below and register for this Sunday’s session.

Join us this Sunday –


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