Making Deals with God

Making Deals with God

We’ve had quite a week with a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the 11:11 gateway which has brought a tremendous amount of inner shifting, awakening and healing.  It’s been a heavy time with the energies pushing us into the depths of what we need to see...
Soul’s Purpose

Soul’s Purpose

In our community webinars we discuss a very wide range of topics relevant to our journey of awakening, healing and growth.  In our Sunday Sessions our discussion is often prompted by whatever intuitive insights or wisdom I get for the week...
Wtf Is Going On?

Wtf Is Going On?

We really, really do take our shit with us no matter where we are in the world!  I am currently in what I think is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I am still being rocked/triggered/shaken by the internal crap that is surfacing with these...
Cold Water Swimming

Cold Water Swimming

Some of you may know my crazy antics of cold-water swimming but what many don’t know is the reason I started it and the reason I continue.  Most people tease me and just think I am nuts but it was in fact what literally brought me back to life.  ...
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