On my own path of healing and growth I discovered that there is an energetic pattern created in the first 28 years of our lives.  This pattern holds and contains the memories and energy of the emotional, mental, physical and or spiritual experiences we had in those first 28 years….both the good and the bad.  It is a pattern of energy which often suppresses our soul and prevents the full expression of our purpose. 

Unless cleared this pattern of energy will continue to influence and effect our lives drawing experiences, circumstances and situations that reinforce our past, challenge our soul’s expressing and keep us stuck in looping cycles of struggle and suffering.  Fortunately, this pattern of energy can be cleared freeing our soul and releasing us from perpetually repeating the past.

To clear this pattern, we embark on a healing journey together which incorporates both talking therapy and energy work.  Together we will work to restore the power and purpose of your soul while clearing you and your energy field of the imprints and energy of this pattern. 

It is a powerful and liberating process that will free you from your past and empower you to live life free from the programmiing and conditioning of your past.  

Generally, this process unfolds over five sessions, but more may be required.  For more information please contact me HERE

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