I’ll never forget the first time I felt the expansion of my Light Body. It was total and utter bliss. A powerful and profound experience that has been imbedded in my memory as a moment of total surrender and it felt so damn good!

I came out of that experience still having to deal with challenges but with fresh perspective and a real sense of ‘I CAN DO THIS!’

Once my Light Body was activated consciously connecting with it regularly gives me strenght, courage, energy and the resilience I need to commit to and continue my human journey. It reminds me that I in fact chose this journey and all the experiences…even the unpleasant and difficult ones. It reminds me that there is purpose for all things and there is purpose in me being here on Earth. 

I love sharing the insights, wisdom and understanding I have gained along my path and in this masterclass I will share with you the techniques, tools and ways in which you can activate and enhance the energy and power of your Light Body. 

Join me this Saturday and lets play in the fields of light!

Masterclass Details
Date – Saturday November 25th, 2023
Time – 11am PST, 2pm EST, 7pm GMT, 8pm CET
Cost – $55

I expect this masterclass to be about 2 to 3hrs in length. A replay will be made available if you are unable to make it live. 

Register HERE


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