Today’s Daily Inspiration by Kate Spreckley

Events currently occurring in the world can feel overwhelming as waves of fear, grief and suffering flood the collective field.  The incoming energies are adding to the intensity bringing a pressure to our experience both individually and collectively.  What lies at the core of our experience personally and globally is change and as such we are being pushed into greater and greater waves of inner and outer transformation.  While we may not clearly see the deeper purpose behind all that is unfolding, we are reminded that there is a profound and powerful shift in consciousness underway that at times will not make sense when viewed from a limited awareness.  

There is an element of trust and surrender being asked of us now as the incoming energies continue grow in volatility.  We are urged to remember that the very fabric of our existence is being transformed and changed by a power and a force that is beyond our current comprehension.  While we may believe that transformation and change is difficult it is important that we consider that we know transformation and we know change.  We have been journeying through transformation and change for as long as we have been breathing.  It is a part of every experience whether we are conscious of it or not.  To resist it is to go against our very nature.  We cannot organise it; we cannot control it; we must journey through it.  The only real option we have is to exhale, surrender and be open to what is transpiring.

The state of our world, the state of our nations, the state of the Earth reflects the healing that is needed in every single person upon this planet.  We exist as individuals as part of one great big collective energy and until we accept our part and our responsibility within this collective energy true and lasting healing cannot occur.  The demand for healing is rising and with it a need for us to recognise that the healing of the world must come from within us as individuals.  Everything occurs within first.  If we are to create a better world and a better society, we must find the courage to face what in us needs healing.  What are the wounds that need to be transformed, what are the traumas that need untangling to set us free from perpetually cycling through the past?  

It is important not to become frozen or chained to a life devoid of deeper meaning.  This may be a time where the world is being turned inside out but it is also a time where the sacred call of your soul can be heard.  It is a time where you need to calm and deliberate while engaging in the healing that is necessary and needed.  Unravel yourself from the fear, worry and conflict and discover a new appreciation for the journey you are on and the shift in consciousness you are a part of.  Refocus your awareness and embark on some soul searching and reflection knowing that you are reaching a point of evolution where a new consciousness is being birthed from within you.  With this consciousness everything will look different.    

© 2023 Kate Spreckley

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