When I was younger, I had no boundaries. None. Zilch. My family had none and as a result boundaries were never modelled to me. I never learnt how to set them, how to enforce them or even what it felt like to hold them. As I got older I attempted to instil them with disastrous consequences as I never fully understood what a boundary was. I could understand the concept and the idea, but the feeling of a boundary was something I struggled with.

Anyone who is empathetic or has empathetic tendencies knows what if feels like to feel and very overwhelmed by everything that’s happening in and around you. As an empath it’s easy and feels ‘natural’ to take on and then process what others can’t or won’t. It’s exhausting physically and emotionally draining and is often the leading cause of illness and burnout when we don’t have boundaries.

What I discovered through my own healing journey was that boundaries have to be set energetically first. The energetic component is essential. Without it you can have all the good intensions in the world and consciously try and enforce boundaries with little to no effect.

In this masterclass we will explore the concept of boundaries and how to create and set them energetically. You will learn tools and techniques that will enable you to hold boundaries in a way that others can sense and feel them. You will discover the power you have to hold yourself in a way that transmits your boundaries without needing to go into the internal or external conflict and struggle that can arise when we attempt to set a boundary.

Register here – https://spirit-pathways.com/boundaries-masterclass/


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