Our reality no longer exists in the same way that it has.  All of life is changing and we are being called to find our stability from within.  As a result, we are being urged to strengthen our connection with our inner self, to deepen our relationship with our soul and to release the subliminal patterns and programs which continue to create disharmony and imbalance within.    

With Mercury Retrograde you are advised to take advantage of this time by turning inward to explore the terrain of your inner world.  Learn to examine your life from an inner perspective and you will gain a greater understanding of the potentials and possibilities that are available to you now.  Contemplate what needs to be done and what actions are required to facilitate change in your life while being present, flexible, and adaptable.  Muster your courage so you are able and ready to respond with determination and focus when the time is right.

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2021 Kate Spreckley http://www.spirit-pathways.com

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