Insights, information, articles and more shared by Kate Spreckley.  Sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications of all new content

Family & Systemic Constellations

Family & Systemic Constellations

Family Constellations also known as Systemic Constellations, is a ground-breaking experiential process that reaches into the underlying impulse of family, trauma, emotions, beliefs and burdens and the damaging repetitive patterns and behaviours that are limiting your...

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Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse

Except from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘Today’s Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is the final eclipse of 2022 and brings with it a powerful surge of potent and unrelenting energy to the tensions that have been building. As such, this eclipse is a culminating moment where...

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Take a Deep Breath

Take a Deep Breath

Except from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘The energy this week in incredibly powerful while also being wild, frenetic and unpredictable. We not only have a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on the 8th but also the 11:11 gateway which always brings an energetic reset and...

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Wtf Is Going On?

Wtf Is Going On?

We really, really do take our shit with us no matter where we are in the world!  I am currently in what I think is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I am still being rocked/triggered/shaken by the internal crap that is surfacing with these...

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Ancestral & Soul Healing Workshop

Our recent Ancestral & Soul Karma Clearing session was incredible!  Instead of being just two and a half hours this one went on for over four!  It was deep, profound and incredibly beautiful as participants were able to shift and release some old and...

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Retrograding Planets

Retrograding Planets

In this clip from one of our Community webinars, Kate shares her insights on the current planetary influences and how they are impacting us.   Want to hear more of Kate's wisdom?  Join our online community where Kate hosts weekly webinars, offers her Daily...

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