Insights, information, articles and more shared by Kate Spreckley. Sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications of all new content

Discrimination is Key
Excerpt from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘We are all part of a larger cycle of transformation and change that offers an ongoing process of awakening, healing and growth. 2023 marks a pivotal turning point on our journey where we will evolve out of a more internal space...
What are the Daily Inspirations?
WHAT ARE THE DAILY INSPIRATIONS? Each morning Kate taps into the energy of the day and translates this energy into simple yet profound messages that help you understand and navigate the energies that are shaping and influencing our reality. Delivered straight to your...
Re-Orientating & Re-Adjusting
Excerpt from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘We are on the threshold of a new chapter where the door to the past is about to close. As such, the call for change is no longer a whisper and has become a loud and insistent call which is driving us to find liberation and...
A New Year & A New You
Excerpt from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘Welcome to 2023! With the start of each new year, we always begin a new cycle of our journey. This year we have some major cosmic shifts coming that will bring profound changes but before that starts we are...
Surviving to Thriving as an Empath
I’ve been back in ‘civilization’ for just over a week now. Back in the busyness of a city, back in the traffic, back in the field of other’s emotions, feeling, electricity, WIFI and all its resulting energy. It’s like an assault on my system after a month in the...
Patterns & Cycles Masterclass
Early on in her work Kate Spreckley discovered that there is an energetic pattern created in the first 28 years of our lives that directly influences and impacts our experiences after 28. This pattern unconsciously draws to us experiences that reinforce our past and...
Soul Development Circle
Starting in 2023! Kate will be guiding small and intimate bi-weekly online group sessions where you will be guided to connect, grow and develop a deeper connection with your inner world and your soul. The group dynamic in these experiences is profound as the sharing...
Gather Yourself & Recentre
Except from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘As we start this new week the watery energies of the eclipse’s settles and we move into the fiery energies of this month’s New Moon on the 23rd and Jupiter moving direct on the 24th. This cosmic activity marks the start of a new...
Making Deals with God
We’ve had quite a week with a powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and the 11:11 gateway which has brought a tremendous amount of inner shifting, awakening and healing. It’s been a heavy time with the energies pushing us into the depths of what we need to see...
Lean into the Uncertainty
Except from today’s Daily Inspiration ‘Most of October was deep, dark and difficult as the energies worked to unravel and reveal the roots of our past, our wounds and our shadows. In November we are called to embrace, heal, integrate and release that which has been...