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Be Fully Present
As the shift in our collective consciousness continues to unfold what has long defined us is dissolving making way for a more fluid and flexible understanding of our existence. Ideas, beliefs and perceptions that have been deeply rooted and fixed are changing....
‘With the shift in consciousness we are feeling, sensing and coming to embody our soul while expanding into a whole new consciousness. A consciousness that is far greater and more expansive than we have ever experienced within our human form before. To both embody our...
Heal & Release Yourself from the Past
Healing is a journey…..a process of unravelling and peeling away the layers of all that stands in the way of our most authentic and honest self. It requires a releasing of the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual burdens and blockages that hinder our path and our...
The June Solstice this year brings us into state of awareness where the flow and movement of emotions and feelings is expanding our hearts activating a deeper embodiment and alignment of our soul. It is a space that allows our unconscious suppressed emotions and...
Are You Struggling?
Struggling to determine what changes you are being called to make? Uncertain about your next step? Finding it difficult to shift into joy? April and May have been incredibly challenging with so much being triggered for healing and release. The internal turmoil,...
Constellating the Father
“The mothers put us into life; the fathers put us into the world”. (Bert Hellinger) Our first Constellation Circle was beautiful and created some wonderful shifts for those who participated. I am so excited to be offering the next one where we will focus on healing...
Constellating the Mother – Online Event
'Pain travels through families until someone is ready to feel it' Beyond the Psychological story with our mother, it is important that we heal the energetic bond that exits so that we can deeply connect into our lineages and the support, love and gifts they offer....
The Power of Self-Awareness on the Journey of Self-Mastery
Self-mastery is the groundwork of personal growth, a state of being where you have an unwavering knowledge of yourself, guiding your actions, decisions, and responses with a profound sense of purpose and integrity. It’s a journey that allows you to navigate life with...
Unleashing the Power You Hold Within
Embarking on a journey of healing and growth often leads us to discover profound truths about ourselves and the patterns that shape our lives. In my own quest for healing and personal growth, I became profoundly aware of energetic patterns which fundamentally changed...
Releasing Patterns of the Past
On my own path of healing and growth I discovered that there is an energetic pattern created in the first 28 years of our lives. This pattern holds and contains the memories and energy of the emotional, mental, physical and or spiritual experiences we had...