Early on in her work Kate Spreckley discovered that there is an energetic pattern created in the first 28 years of our lives that directly influences and impacts our experiences after 28. This pattern unconsciously draws to us experiences that reinforce our past and keeps us stuck in a looping experience of pain and trauma.
Most of us have grown up in family’s and environments where the soul aspect hasn’t been recognised or even acknowledged. We have been taught from day one who we should be to fit in or be accepted by our family, culture, and society. Our pain and trauma has gone unrecgonised and has therefore become the unconsicous driving force behind our lives and our experiences. As a result, we are continually living out the energy of the past finding it difficult to access and consciously experience the energy of our soul and its purpose in this lifetime.
It doesn’t have to be this way. We can release the patterns and the energy of the past without having to reexperience and therefore reinforce the trauma.
In this masterclass Kate will unpack and explain the cycles of development, how the pattern is create and what you can do to work with, clear and release the pattern so that it no longer negatively affects your life.
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