Right now Venus and Mars are visible in the evening sky together bringing together the feminine and the masculine. As a result, we are challenged to find balance between these two forces both internally and externally. We are urged to find greater equilibrium between our intuition and the actions we take. All choices, decisions and actions need be aligned with our soul and reflective of the wisdom we have gained thus far. 

The current flow of change in the world is presenting sitautions that are beyond your control. However, this is a time where you can break through the inner limitations of the past to create a greater sense of freedom from within. With this freedom you are better able to manage yourself within the volatility of the external. Keep your feet on the ground and learn to become comfortable with not being able to control the world. This is a time where self-mastery is key. Remember that the external world is a reflection of the inner world. Adjust your inner world and the external will follow.

This post may be republished as is, with no changes made and all links active © 2021 Kate Spreckley http://www.spirit-pathways.com

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