Insights, information, articles and more shared by Kate Spreckley. Sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications of all new content

Replenish & Restore
The incoming energies are demanding and require us to remain in a space of fluidity despite any feelings of uncertainty. Fluidity allows us to remain open to all possibilities and opportunities. As we move into the weekend a space of inner stillness is necessary as it...
The End of Cycles of Suffering
Currently we are being internally rewired and as such how we respond and react to life is changing. Our consciousness is being internally expand through our hearts which will shift our perspective and the lens through which we view ourselves. It is important...
All Things are Possible
The incoming energies are incredibly intense right now as old emotional issues and challenges are being triggered for release. Any fear that arises about the unknown is surfacing gifting us with the opportunity to clear the emotions that lie beneath our fears and...
Inner Recalibration
A new cycle of potential and possibility is being sparked within our human consciousness. A cycle that elevates us beyond the past, beyond duality and into the expanded dimensions of the soul. As we navigate this current eclipse season we enter into a...
Healing & Shifting Consciousness
We are in a window of time that holds a very powerful space for real change both internally and externally. With Mercury now in retrograde we have the opportunity to shift how we think, how we perceive ourselves and as a result how we live. For some this...
Mercury Retrograde
This weekend Mercury stations retrograde until June 22nd. This retrograde period is filled with opportunities that will enable us to radically shift our perspective and deepen our awareness. It offers a time in which we can reflect on and re-examine our...
Pay Close Attention
Eclipses tend to bring about events and opportunities that enable us to let go of aspects of ourselves and our past that we have outgrown. As such we are able to anchor in the gifts and wisdom we have gained without needing to repeat the past. It is important that we...
Full Moon Eclipse
Lunar eclipses offer the culmination of cycles that have run their course. As such, they encourage us to let go of what is no longer serving us. With this particular eclipse we have the opportunity to transform our current state and move into a greater sense...
Uncomfortable Tensions
This is a week of assessment as we find ourselves questioning our lives and our ways of living and being. Circumstances and situations we have outgrown are coming to a close. As a result, there is an uncomfortable tension in the air which will be heightened...
Total Transformation of Self
This is a big week energetically and the best thing we can do is surrender into the incoming energies. These energies are pretty firey at the moment and may bring some instability emotionally, mentally and physically. On an internal level we are moving through a...