Insights, information, articles and more shared by Kate Spreckley.  Sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications of all new content

Increasing Intensity

Increasing Intensity

Collectively we are all in the throes of a period of destruction and reconstruction. It is an intense time of rapid processing, purification, and healing where expansion, growth, learning, and awakenings are becoming more and more pronounced.  We are...

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Clarity Emerges from the Heart

Clarity Emerges from the Heart

As we continue to integrate the lessons and wisdom we have gained from the past, we stand at a significant point in our journey where we must make a choice.  Do we continue to recreate the past or do we make a different choice and embark on a path that...

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New Moon

New Moon

New Moons offer us the chance of a new beginning and with this New Moon in the sign of Virgo we can now place both feet firmly on the ground, which will help us to integrate and ground the many changes that have taken place in the last few months.  However,...

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Reflect on the Past

There are some significant astrological alignments that are impacting and influencing our current phase of healing and growth.  We currently have 6 planets in retrograde, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Chiron, Uranus, and Neptune.  The force of this...

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Winds of Change

Winds of Change

The winds of change have been blowing for some time and as we continue to be buffeted by these winds, we are urged to remain centred within the eye of the storm.  The internal shifts and transformations occurring now are changing the landscape of our lives...

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Shining Light into the Dark

Shining Light into the Dark

The journey of our soul in a human form is filled with experiences which bring healing, growth, and learning.  When we see that the purpose of every situation in our lives enables our soul to evolve, we can elevate our awareness and observe our past from a...

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Reflect & Reframe

Reflect & Reframe

Our ordinary reality is being transformed challenging us to question everything we have considered to be true.  As a result, how we perceive, understand, and view ourselves, our past and our world is shifting.  We cannot detach from what is...

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