Meditation Course

Develop Your Personal Meditation Practice 

This program will allow you to safely explore meditation techniques while building a practice that works just for you both on and off the meditation mat or cushion!

We can begin by dispelling a common myth – meditation is indeed for every person, in every kind of body. If you can breathe, you can meditate. 

In fact, you probably have a version of a meditation practice in your life already – perhaps when you clean your house, or crochet, or play a musical instrument, or engage in strenuous physical activity, perhaps you walk the beach, or the mountain, or just go into “the zone” at work – all of these are your natural inclination toward meditation. 

The only difference is unconscious versus a conscious practice. Which, if harnessed, is the difference between being present or absent from intentional living.

Usually when it comes to learning meditation the common method is to find a lineage and then to study in that school – of which there are many! We want to approach this course in a different fashion – allowing you to understanding the ‘aims’ of meditation first – while introducing various techniques and approaches that can lead to these profound states of realisation and being.  



Each lesson introduces a different technique you can employ in meditation – such as breathing practices, chanting and sound work, visualizations, body sensing, ritual, and so much more. We will experiment with a few variations of a technique  – while exploring the history and the lineages that produced them – and then join in a longer practice together.

Between each lesson you will be encouraged to keep utilizing the technique, so that by the end of the course you have a meditation practice that serves you, your body, your mind, your emotions, and your spirit.

The course consists of 7 online lessons.  Lessons come with a collection of resources, as well as a video for each class and the meditation practice for each week. 

The entire course cost is $150  $99 (Special for 2023)

Course Contents

Each lesson contains written resources and information on different meditation practices,  1 to 2 hours of video teachings where Kate and Matt share insights and the wisdom and understandings they have gain on their own personal meditation journey’s.  Each video ends with a meditation practice.  

  • Lesson 1 – What is Meditation
  • Lesson 2 – The Power of Breath
  • Lesson 3 – Body Sensing
  • Lesson 4 – Emotional Landing in Meditation
  • Lesson 5 – Sacred Sounds
  • Lesson 6 – Visualisations in Meditation
  • Lesson 7 – Ritual

If this is all the information you need – feel free to sign up  and start your course here


“Meditation is a process of lightening up, of trusting the basic goodness of what we have and who we are, and of realizing that any wisdom that exists, exists in what we already have. We can lead our life so as to become more awake to who we are and what we’re doing rather than trying to improve or change or get rid of who we are or what we’re doing. The key is to wake up, to become more alert, more inquisitive and curious about ourselves.”– Pema Chodron

Meet your facilitators:



Kate Spreckley

As a Spiritual Healer and Teacher Kate allows her natural skills and abilities to guide and support those who are in search of healing, growth and transformation. Kate’s unique approach to healing, personal growth and development incorporates the entire being – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and soul. Her distinctive and unique gifts enable her to read energetic fields and to bring release, healing and clearing of blocks, old patterning, negative beliefs and challenging life experiences. She offers processes and practices which bring you in a higher state of consciousness, connection and balance.

M.A. Choate

M.A. came to yoga + meditation to help combat a chronic disease diagnosis and the physical ramifications of that in 2015. M.A. began their journey in yogic forms of meditation which grew to include many Buddhist (especially Zen) teachings and practices – culminating in teaching certifications for both yoga and meditation. However, it wasn’t until his work with Dr. Scott Lyons and the Embodied Lab, that the full impact of coming home to oneself, to one’s body, landed for them. M.A. helps to hold an all-inclusive space, safe for all bodies – irrespective of gender-identity, body shape, physical ability, or skin color. M.A. offers an accessible teaching practice that celebrates the traditions from which it originates but empowers students to explore for themselves – finding what works for them, in their own bodies.

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