Learn to Trust the Journey You are on

Today’s Daily Inspiration by Kate Spreckley

The energy of 2024 is demanding and with all major planets direct until April we are already being challenged on many fronts.  The flow of life is changing as the energy continues to withdraw from our old systems and structures accelerating their dissolution.  What we have always known is becoming more and more unstable and it is essential that we work with the process and concentrate our efforts on withdrawing our own energy from that which has outlived its purpose.  This means taking the time to observe, heal and release the patterns, programming, conditioning and beliefs that keep us entangled and or attached to the past.

On all levels we are being prepared for new directions, new chapters and an entirely new experience of life.  As a result, we may find ourselves feeling challenged in the areas where we are still stuck.  It can feel near impossible to see the new and what we are being called towards particularly when we are still attached to the old.  What is occurring now has never before occurred on this planet.  We cannot draw on our past experiences or understanding to guide us forward and must learn to trust in the knowing of our heart and soul and the journey we are on.  As we continue to heal and free ourselves clarity will emerge giving us a sense and a feeling of what direction to move in and what steps we need to take.

You have known and experienced the world through the constructs and structures of your beliefs, perspectives and narratives which no longer serve who you are now and who you are becoming.  They limit, inhibit and conceal so much of who you truly are and what is available to you.  As your awareness continues to expand these constructs and structures will naturally dissolve opening up your creativity, imagination and intuition, all that you need to create a new experience of life.  Remember all that you are currently experiencing is pushing you to fully embody the energetic, spiritual, creative and intuitive being that you are and to live that.

© 2024 Kate Spreckley http://www.spirit-pathways.com

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