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Solstice Gateway
We are in a particularly potent time as we move towards the June Solstice on the 20th/21st of June. Each Solstice and Equinox marks the beginning and the end of a season. They represent the cycles of life and the cycles of nature. Ancient cultures...
Intuition is Your Greatest Power
As we step towards the Solstice an intensely powerful energy is moving within us pushing us towards expansion both internally and externally. The incoming energies are demanding urging us to see our life with perfect clarity and to find the light despite the...
Be Proactive
This is a transitional time where new beginnings and shifts in direction can be expected. The incoming energies are highlighting what now needs to come into focus and what action is required for lasting change. As a result, fears may surface as we are being...
Unexpected Gifts
Currently something deep within us is transforming urging us to embrace change and stirring a desire in us to move forward. However, there is a tangible tension between the past and the future bringing us face to face with our own inner resistance and the need...
Ideal Time for Inner Work
Despite the intense nature of the incoming energies there is an underlying excitement to this time. The energy is somewhat unpredictable as we are leaving behind an old cycle and entering a new one. The New Moon Solar Eclipse last week has amplified both the...
Roll with the Punches
As we move through yesterday’s eclipse portal the energy of pure potential is rapidly moving to the surface of our consciousness and creating an expansion and an acceleration of our energy beyond anything we have previously felt. As we integrate this energy a...
Sacred Alignment
It has been a rough few weeks energetically, which has brought about a catharsis of pent up energy, buried emotions and painful memories. Today’s New Moon Solar Eclipse is a sacred alignment that is offering a source of momentum which will enable us to being...
Waves of change are rippling through the collective consciousness and there is a noticeable increase in the intensity of the incoming energies as we move towards tomorrows New Moon Solar Eclipse. This eclipse season is powerfully accelerating our growth and...
Final Thrust
After what seems like a lifetime of intense energetic activity the last few months have seen a noticeable increase in the intensity of the incoming energies and their impact our lives. This current eclipse season is powerfully accelerating our awakening,...
Take Ownership of Your Past
We are in the final days before the New Moon Solar Eclipse on Thursday. This is a powerfully transformative time where the old is dying and the new is waiting to be reborn. Eclipses act as transformers by helping to remove what we have outgrown and what is...