Insights, information, articles and more shared by Kate Spreckley.  Sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications of all new content

Transformative New Moon

Transformative New Moon

For most of this year we have been held within a cycle of incredible healing, growth, and transformation.  Evolutionary change has been the focus and as a result, both our collective and personal transformation has become more urgent.  The...

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Internal Space of Reflection

Internal Space of Reflection

The month of November brings an element of contemplation as we are encouraged to continue to let go and surrender into change.  The awareness we have gain thus far has brought a deeper understanding of our personal responsibility and the constructive actions...

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Consider, Focus & Ground

Consider, Focus & Ground

October was a month of deep internal shifts which prepared us for the transformative power of November.  The shifts we experienced brought greater inner expansion and the awareness needed to really master our reality.  As a result, we are...

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Love & Wisdom

Love & Wisdom

October has been a month of major cosmic shifts and changes which has brought a greater intensity to our process of awakening and healing.  In these last few days of October, we are resolving and integrating all that we have uncovered and processed during...

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Pause & Observe

Pause & Observe

In this time, we are returning to our natural state of connection with the deeper aspects of ourselves and our soul.  It is a powerful time in our evolutionary process where we are urged to heed the call for transformation.  Fears, anxieties and...

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Yield into this Moment

Yield into this Moment

This is a time of unquestionable change, transformation, and deep inner growth where we are establishing within us a profound inner strength and power.  The energies are creating a vibratory dynamic that will continue to infuse our entire existence and...

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Surrender Inwardly

Surrender Inwardly

Our processes of awakening, healing and growth have greatly accelerated this year and a deeper understanding of what is required to change has emerged.  In this final week of October, we are preparing for even more expansion which begins with the Eclipse...

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Core of Self-Realisation

Core of Self-Realisation

The energy of this year has and continues to offer us one alchemical moment after another as the magic of transformation merges with the power of creation.  Within this time, we have been urged to dive deeply into the mysteries of our soul and to bring to...

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