Conscious Masculinity

A Healing Program for Men

Come to know, understand and heal the beliefs and programming that has shaped the man you have become 

In a world experiencing chaos and instability, the call for a new way of living and being has never been stronger.  This new way comes through harmonious and balanced collaboration and it what will help to reshape our world into something more sustainable.  

The Conscious Masculinity program is a powerful 8-week journey facilitated by Kate Spreckley.  It is a program that is specifically designed to help men delve into their beliefs and conditioning in a way that will bring about a healthier and more conscious masculinity.  

Kate’s own personal experience, including the tragic loss of her brother to suicide, has deeply influenced her work and her desire to bring healing to the world by empowering men to personally heal and grow.  

‘Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength’ – Sigmund Freud

What’s Inside the Course

Here is what you can expect within the Conscious Masculinity Program –

  • Wounded Masculinity – Gain insights into the concept of the wounded masculine and understand how it has shaped your experiences. Uncover the root causes of your suffering and explore the reasons behind your reactions.
  • Beliefs, Boundaries and Truth – Explore the beliefs that have influenced your perception of yourself and others. Learn how to set healthy boundaries and align with your own truth, empowering you to lead an authentic and fulfilling life.
  • Significant Developmental Cycles & Understanding Wound Origins – Dive into significant developmental cycles and discover where your wounds originated. This understanding will illuminate the path to healing and personal growth.
  • Roles & Responsibilities – Explore the various roles and responsibilities that society places upon men, allowing you to redefine them according to your authentic self-expression.
  • Ego vs Soul – Delve into the profound exploration of ego and soul, understanding their dynamics and learning to align with your soul’s wisdom and guidance.
  • Vulnerability as Power – Embrace vulnerability as a source of strength and power. Discover how leverage vulnerability to forge deeper connections and build authentic relationships. 

A blend of pesonal coaching, intuitive guidance, weekly teachings, self-reflective exerceises and meditations the Conscious Masculinity Program is a course that will help you foster a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in your life and the world.  It can be a truly positive catalyst for transformation and change.

Contact us to sign up or to schedule a 15min Zoom call with Kate to explore for deeply what this program offers.  

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kate Spreckley – Facilitator

Kate is an energy medicine practitioner, soul coach, mentor, author and speaker.  After losing her brother to suicide in 2020, she has dedicated herself to focusing on and supporting men in exploring their spirituality, emotional wisdom and in developing a conscious man who is able to lead with wisdom, grace and balanced power.  Kate focuses on sharing grounded spiritual teachings as the foundation to fostering healthy and conscious masculinity.

‘I lost my brother to suicide in 2020. In that same week I heard of 5 other men who took their own lives. I’ve realised in this time how desperate some men have become and more support is needed as the world erupts into chaos.

We are becoming more aware that change is needed and our world must evolve. The foundations and structures we have lived within are becoming unstable and unsustainable. As a result we need to create a new world. To build this new world we need conscious and self aware woman and men to actively work together.

 Feeling called to be an active part in supporting men in these challenging times I am very excited to offer The Conscious Man initiative. This initiative is offering a Conscious Masculinity program where men are guided through a process that will enable them to safely explore themselves, their emotions and release the stereotypical conditioning of their past.’- Kate

Listen to this podcast where Kate shares her insights and understanding of the importance of healing and growth in men.  

The Conscious Man course I found to be a safe and refreshing space to explore the theme of my own masculinity, which is so relevant in how the world is changing, but yet almost impossible to find the spaces and people to exlore it safely.  Kate has a real gift of grounding deeply spiritual concepts and ideas in a way that can make sense in the mind.  She seems to be able to make the intangible tangible.

We never get taught consciously to be a man, as a white male, we have no initiation ceremonies into manhood to teach us the responsiblities of what manhood means – this course has helped me to clear out what is not masculinity and to focus on what I now choose to become, that is a remarkable gift to explore 

Kate’s intention behind this work is very real and deeply supportive.  It allows us men to face all of our behaviour and upbringing with the compassion needed to shift old shitty beliefs around being ‘a man’ and let go of what is no longer true for us.  I have less shame around masculinity and a clearer pathway ahead of me to model how I wish to experience masculinity in the world, one rooted in service and not control.

I learned and experienced more than I could have expected and the course has set me on a path which has me seeing my own masculinity which can be trusted when my experience in the business world is almost the direct opposite

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